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Cloud hosting makes applications and websites accessible using cloud resources. Unlike traditional hosting, solutions are not deployed on a single server. Instead, a network of connected virtual and physical cloud servers hosts the application or website, ensuring greater flexibility and scalability.


Key features:

  • Applications and solutions are deployed on a cloud network rather than an on-premises, single server.
  • Resources scale to user needs.
  • Organizations only pay for the resources they use.
  • Cloud hosting can support SQL (including MySQL) or NoSQL databases.
  • Solutions are automated and controlled using APIs, web portals, and mobile apps.

Why cloud hosting

  • Flexibility
  • Pay-as-you-go Model
  • Reliability



Considerations for Cloud Hosting

  • Security

    Clients should consider a provider with physical/operational, network and system, and application and data security options.

  • Sensitive data

    Enterprises that work with sensitive data may consider separating data at the hardware level, using dedicated servers or other options..

  • Support

    Cloud hosting providers often offer tools, and some offer specialist services to help manage the cloud-hosted environment.

  • Performance

    Latency can sometimes be an issue. Organizations should ensure that they have reliable, sturdy Internet connections.

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